It is the online magazine of the National Union of Italian Film Critics with reviews of upcoming movies and news from the world of cinema
- 09.2019 Jeedar El Sot by Ahmad Ghossein wins the Grand Prize Venice International Film Critics’ Week
- 07.2019 Venice International Film Critics’ Week: Line-up 2019
- 07.2019 The selection of SIC@SIC Short Italian Cinema 2019
- 07.2019 A vortex of shining light: the official image of the 34th Venice Film Critics’ Week
- 07.2019 A flame that never burns out: the new opening sequence of the Venice International Film Critics’ Week is an homage to the work of Kevin Jerome Everson
- 09.2018 Lissa ammetsajjel by Syrian directors Saeed Al Batal and Ghiath Ayoub wins the Audience Award
- 07.2018 The lineup of the 2018 Venice International Film Critics’ Week
- 07.2018 The selection of SIC@SIC Short Italian Cinema 2018
- 07.2018 The disruptive creative strength of Stefano Tamburini in the image of the 33. Venice International Film Critics’ Week
- 09.2017 Temporada de caza by Argentinian director Natalia Garagiola wins the SIAE Audience Award
- 07.2017 The lineup of the 2017 Venice International Film Critics’ Week
- 07.2017 Comic books artist Carmine Di Giandomenico creates the image for the 32nd Venice International Film Critics’ Week
- 07.2017 SIC@SIC 2017 Short Italian Cinema @ Settimana Internazionale della Critica
- 01.2017 Oscar 2017 Nomination for Tanna
- 12.2016 Oscar© 2017: Tanna Advances in Foreign Language Shortlist

Films 2012

No Quiero Dormir Sola
She Doesn’t Want to Sleep Alone
by Natalia Beristain / Mexico 2012 / 83'
in competition

by Nir Sa'ar, Maya Sarfaty, Mohammad Fuad, Yona Rozenkier, Mohammad Bakri, Ahmad Bargouthi, Pini Tavger, Tal Haring / Israel - Palestine, France 2012 / 110'
opening film - special event out of competition

Kiss of the Damned
by Xan Cassavetes / USA 2012 / 97'
closing film - special event out of competition
30.08 — 09.09