Selection Committee
Enrico Magrelli (General Delegate), Giovanni Buttafava, Roberto Ellero, Andrea Martini, Emanuela Martini.
In Competition
- Koma / Coma by Nijole Adomenajte (URSS)
- Corsa Di Primavera / Spring Race di Giacomo Campiotti (Italy)
- O Sangue / The Blood by Pedro Costa (Portugal)
- Chameleon Street by Wendell B. Harris Jr. (USA)
- Kotia Päin / Homebound by Ilkka Järvilaturi (Finland)
- Jaded by Oja Kodar (USA)
- Il Prete Bello / The Handsome Priest by Carlo Mazzacurati (Italy)
- Un Monde Sans Pitie / Love Without Pity by Éric Rochant (France)
- Lover Boy by Geoffrey Wright (Australia)
Special Programmes
- Palombella Rossa / Red Lob by Nanni Moretti (Italy)
- Ja Sluzil V Ochrane Stalina by Sem’n Davidovic Aranovic (URSS)
30.08 — 09.09